Our Company

The essence of our products has crossed our borders. At first, we were recognized among our people and foreign friends who visit us. The more we tasted our quality transcended; spreading fame and winning numerous awards worldwide.

This is the story of SALICSA, a company that since its inception has enjoyed growing success in marketing CAFÉ RICA, coffee liqueur Original of Costa Rica. Since its first product, became a true "best seller" in the category of non-traditional liqueurs. Thereafter, the company has grown while introducing more products, which have been immediately accepted as long because their recipes are unique and original always prepared mixtures of the most exotic tropical fruits.

SALICSA originated in 1978, when Edward Drew, a Jamaican entrepreneur whose mother was Costarrican decided to settle in our beautiful country. Deeply inspired by the quality of our coffee and the taste of our fruits, conceived the idea of creating wonderful exportable products to give to the world the opportunity to enjoy. Since Mr. Drew is an excellent gourmet cook, created his own recipes. Shortly after Café Rica was developed after Salsa Rica, Golden Cream, Orange Bouquet and the rest of the products in the list of Salicsa's family. Spirits and Sauces hundred percent natural, cakes, chocolates and souvenirs. All our products developed with the most stringent quality standards at all stages of production, from harvesting of the fruits in the field, to be bottled or packaged in our plant.

This is the reason why all our products have been successfully accepted, not only in Central America but also in competitive markets like the United States, Panama, the Caribbean, Japan and Germany. Now, we invite you to notice in detail in everything we offer inside SALICSA cabinet.

Proudly we produce liqueurs, sauces and complementary products. We work closely with several well-known international brands, as well as with other liqueurs and food factories.

Agencia de Diseño, Publicidad y Produccion

Phone: (506) 2289-4121 / P.O.Box 264-1017 San Jose, Costa Rica / Email: mercadeo@salicsa.com         English   Español