Salicsa, a company that since its inception has enjoyed growing success in marketing Café Rica, the coffee liqueur Original of Costa Rica. Since its first product, became a true "best seller" in the category of non-traditional liqueurs.

Unique flavors, some of the precious secrets of many chefs, some of our sauces are used to enhance the flavor of other sauces. Made with natural ingredients.

Inspired by the quality of our coffee and the taste of our fruits, they conceived the idea of creating wonderful exportable products to give to the world the opportunity to enjoy.

We have only the best in Gourmet Cakes and Chocolates, delicious recipe using our finest liqueurs, indispensable for meetings and special occasions.

Product Catalog

Agencia de Diseño, Publicidad y Produccion

Phone: (506) 2289-4121 / P.O.Box 264-1017 San Jose, Costa Rica / Email:         English   Español